According to Matthew 24th chapter, the wars, rumors of wars, famine and pestilence spoken of by Jesus seems to be increasing more day by day!
What do we do? Where can we run? Whom can we turn to? In whom can we trust? We can either faint or establish a relationship with Jesus Christ. We can run to people in the world who may not be any better off or we can run to the Bible: (the infallible word of God) which has the answer to every possible question that one can ask. We can turn to people in the world that have no spiritual insight or other spirit-filled, God-fearing Christians to help guide us along the way. We can trust in God; for He is not a man that He should lie. His word is true! He will do everything He promises to do. Time is at hand. Time is winding down. Soon the heavenly Father will return to give all those who love Him and seek His face eternal life. But to those who don’t know Him, they will go away into everlasting darkness. Now is the time to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior. If you would like to know more about how you can escape eternal punishment, click the link (contact us) and we’ll be happy to respond. God bless and keep you.